Thursday, October 28, 2010

On to the next 20

Ok, so I am in the middle of week 13.  I am doing much better with my stretching and weight training and have altered my schedule a bit. After the last fiasco and thinking that I really hurt my foot, I've decided not to do my pace runs the day after my longs. So the experts were right.  BUT, I have decided to actually cut the pace runs in half so I am not completely tired out when I go to do my long runs.

2 weeks ago I actually made it all the way to 20!  It was a rough one for sure.  First I wasn't prepared nutritionally.  I forgot to restock my Gu, so all I had for the whole 20 miles was water, gator aid, and 3 little shot blocks.  I ate those at mile 8, so they were long gone by mile 15. 

I ran with Rick and some new people which was fun. We started at 5:30 a.m. and it was cool running in the pitch blackness with a group.  I am used to being alone. We saw the sun come up as we turned from Poplar to Houston Levy, thankfully.  That was another was in the low 50's that morning and all I had on was a thin T-shirt.  I never really did warm up.

 I was able to hold their pace util about mile 14 when I started to lag behind. The lack of nutrition was catching up with me and my legs were so stiff that I felt like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. I caught up to them again at mile 17 at the water stop, so I stretched and felt a little better.  Now I was just starving!

Finally, we made it to 20 miles, only to realize that we miscalculated the distance and still had a good 3 miles before we were back at the car.  I felt like crying. Rick and I ended up walking/limping home. 

So now I am looking at my second twenty miler this weekend. I am going to run with the same group, but this time have a LOT of nutritional supplements and even a granola bar stashed somewhere. I am hoping this one goes a little better, although I wouldn't say my last one was bad.  I just think whenever a person runs that long it is always going to hurt and be uncomfortable.

Why am I doing this again?????

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